桑树勋 教授






1984.09-1988.07  中国矿业大学  煤田地质与勘探  工学学士

1988.09-1990.12  中国矿业大学  煤田、油气地质与勘探  工学硕士

1991.02-1994.03  中国矿业大学  煤田、油气地质与勘探  工学博士



1994.04-1997.12  中国矿业大学资源与环境学科学院  讲师

1998.01-2002.12  中国矿业大学资源与地球科学学院  副教授

2003.01-           中国矿业大学资源与地球科学学院  教授

2003.07-           中国矿业大学资源与地球科学学院  博士生导师

2003.07-2004.12  中国矿业大学资源与地球科学学院  博士点首席学科带头人

2005.01-2008.12  中国矿业大学资源与地球科学学院  博士点首席教授

2010.08-2011.03  美国The University of Tulsa地质系  访问学者

2015.01-           中国矿业大学资源与地球科学学院  二级教授 

2020.08-2021.12  中国矿业大学低碳能源研究院江苏省碳减排重点实验室  二级教授

2022.01-           中国矿业大学碳中和研究院江苏省碳减排重点实验室  二级教授




1.   国家自然科学基金委员会,国家自然科学基金碳中和专项项目(42141012),《CO2地质封存潜力与能源资源协同理论方法体系及其应用基础》,2022.01-2025.12负责,正在进行

2.   江苏省科技厅,江苏省国际科技合作计划项目(BZ2022015),《非常规天然气资源潜力与合作勘探开发技术模式》,2022.6.23-2025.4.30负责,正在进行

3.   中国工程院、中国工程科技宁夏研究院,中国工程院院地合作重大咨询研究项目(2021NXZD3),《宁夏碳达峰碳中和与可持续发展战略研究》,2021.6-2022.12项目联系人(执行负责人),已完成

4.   国家自然科学基金委员会,自然科学基金重点项目(42030810),《煤系气高效勘探开发的岩石力学地层理论方法体系研究》,2021.01-2025.12负责,正在进行

5.   科技部,国家重点研发计划项目课题(2018YFB0605601),《不同煤阶煤质及地质条件对CO2驱煤层气的影响规律研究》,2018.05-2021.04负责,已完成

6.   国家自然科学基金委员会,国家重大科研仪器研制项目(41727801),《构造煤原位煤层气水平井洞穴卸压开发模拟试验系统》,2018.01-2022.12负责,正在进行

7.   国家自然科学基金委员会,自然科学基金重点项目(41330638),《深部煤层CO2地质存储与CH4强化开采的有效性理论研究》,2014.01-2018.12负责,已完成

8.   国家自然科学基金委员会,自然科学基金面上项目(41272154),《煤层气-煤型气叠合型气藏成藏机理与地质预测方法研究》,2013.01-2016.12负责,已完成

9.   科技部,国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)(课题)项目,2007AA06Z2203F070964),《构造煤发育煤矿区卸压煤层气地面开发技术》,2007.12-2010.12负责,已完成

10. 教育部,科学技术研究重大项目(307014),《煤矿区地面直井原位-卸压煤层气一体化开发技术》,2007.1-2009.12负责,已完成

11. 国家发展和改革委员会,国土资源部,国家油气专项(XQ200403-03《华北东部石炭二叠系地层与沉积体系研究》,2005.1-2006.12负责已完成

12. 国家自然科学基金委员会,自然科学基金项目(40372069),《垃圾生物气资源化的地质处置与模拟成藏理论研究》,2004.1-2006.12负责,已完成

13. 国家科技部,国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(2002CB211703),《煤层的吸附特征及储气机理》,2002.12-2007.8负责2),已完成

14. 国家自然科学基金委员会,自然科学基金青年项目(49902010),《碳酸盐岩地层中有害元素及生态效应-以徐州地区为例》,2000.1- 2002.12负责,已完成

15. 国家发展和改革委员会,国土资源部,国家油气专项(ZP-M-04),《重点矿区煤层气资源评价》,2004.1-2005.12负责2),已完成




1.  桑树勋,刘世奇,王文峰等深部煤层CO2地质存储与煤层气强化开发有效性理论及评价北京:科学出版社,2020

2.  易同生,桑树勋,金军等贵州省煤层气地面抽采关键技术与工程应用徐州:中国矿业大学出版社,2019

3.  张群,桑树勋煤层吸附特征及储气机理北京:科学出版社,2013

4.  桑树勋,秦勇,傅雪海,范炳恒,姜波,朱炎铭陆相盆地煤层气地质-以准噶尔、吐哈盆地为例徐州中国矿业大学出版社,2001

5.  刘焕杰,桑树勋,施健成煤环境的比较沉积学研究-海南岛红树林潮坪与红树林泥炭徐州中国矿业大学出版社,1997


1.  桑树勋, 刘世奇, 韩思杰等中国煤炭甲烷管控与减排潜力煤田地质与勘探, 2023, 51(01): 159-175.

2.  桑树勋, 刘世奇, 陆诗建等工程化CCUS全流程技术及其进展油气藏评价与开发, 2022, 12(05): 711-725+733.

3.  桑树勋, 袁亮, 刘世奇等碳中和地质技术及其煤炭低碳化应用前瞻煤炭学报, 2022, 47(4): 1430-1451.

4.  桑树勋, 周效志, 刘世奇等岩石力学地层理论方法及其煤系气高效勘探开发应用基础述评地质学报, 202296(1): 304-316.

5.  桑树勋, 韩思杰, 刘世奇等.高煤阶煤层气富集机理的深化研究. 煤炭学报, 2022, 47(1): 388-403

6.  桑树勋, 牛庆合, 曹丽文等. 深部煤层CO2注入煤岩力学响应特征及机理研究进展. 地球科学, 202247(5)1849-1864

7.  桑树勋, 郑司建, 易同生等煤系叠合型气藏及其勘探开发技术模式煤田地质与勘探, 2022, 50(09): 13-21.

8.  桑树勋, 周效志, 刘世奇等. 应力释放构造煤煤层气开发理论与关键技术研究进展. 煤炭学报, 202045(7) : 2531-2543

9.  桑树勋, 王冉, 周效志等论煤地质学与碳中和煤田地质与勘探, 2021, 49(01): 1-11. 


10.  Shu Yong,  Sang SX*, Zhou XZ, Zhao FP. Coal Body Structure Detection Based on Logging and Seismic Data and Its Impacts on Coalbed Methane Development: A Case Study in the Dahebian Block, Western Guizhou, Southern China. Natural Resources Reserch, 2022, 32(2): 691-716.

11.  Gao DY,  Sang SX*, TM. Experimental study on the deformation behaviour, energy evolution law and failure mechanism of tectonic coal subjected to cyclic loads. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 2022, 32(06): 1301-1313.

12.  Zhang Kun, Sang Shuxun*, Ma MY el. Permeability Response Characteristics of Primary Undeformed Coal and Tectonically Deformed Coal under Loading-Unloading Conditions in Huainan Coalfield, China. Acs Omega, 2022, 7(42): 37485-37498.

13.  Liu Shiqi, Wang He, Sang Shuxun* el. Effects of pore structure changes on the CH4 adsorption capacity of coal during CO2-ECBM. Fuel, 2022, 330:125529.

14.  Han Si-Jie, Sang Shu-Xun*, Duan Piao-Piao el. The effect of the density difference between supercritical CO2 and supercritical CH4 on their adsorption capacities: An experimental study on anthracite in the Qinshui Basin. Petroleum Science, 2022, 19(04): 1516-1526.

15.  Zhao FupingSang Shuxun*, Han Sijie el. Characteristics and Origins of the Difference between the Middle and High Rank Coal in Guizhou and Their Implication for the CBM Exploration and Development Strategy: A Case Study from Dahebian and Dafang Block. Energies, 2022, 15(09): 3181.

16.  Zheng Sijian, Sang Shuxun*, Yao Yanbin el. A multifractal-based method for determination NMR dual T-2 cutoffs in coals. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022, 214,110488.

17.  Wang Ziliang, Sang Shuxun*, Zhou Xiaozhi el. Numerical study on CO2 sequestration in low-permeability coal reservoirs to enhance CH4 recovery: Gas driving water and staged inhibition on CH4 output. Journal of Petroleum Science and engineering, 2022, 214, 110478.

18.  Zheng Sijian, Sang Shuxun*, Liu Shiqi el. An NMR-Based Method for Multiphase Methane Characterization in Coals. Energies, 2022, 15(04):1532.

19.  Kun Zhang , Shuxun Sang *, Mengya Ma , Xiaozhi Zhou  and Changjiang Liu. 5 Experimental Study on the Influence of Effective Stress on the Adsorption–Desorption Behavior of Tectonically Deformed Coal Compared with Primary Undeformed Coal in Huainan Coalfield, China.  Energies, 2022, 15,6501

20.  Tian Wang, Shuxun Sang*, Shiqi Liu, Yi Du & Huihuang Fang. Study on the evolution of the chemical structure characteristics of high rank coals by simulating the ScCO2-H2O reaction. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2021, 43(2): 235-251.

21.  Qinghe Niu, Liwen Cao, Shuxun Sang*, Wei Wang*, Xiaozhi Zhou, Wei Yuan, Zhongmin Ji, Jiangfang Chang, Mengyang Li, Experimental study on the softening effect and mechanism of anthracite with CO2 injection. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences, 2021, 138: 104614

22. Xiaozhi Zhou, Shuxun Sang,* Qinghe Niu,* Kun Zhang, Fayi Liu, Wei Wang, Jiangfang Chang, Changes of Multiscale Surface Morphology and Pore Structure of Mudstone Associated with Supercritical CO2‑Water Exposure at Difffferent Times. Energy Fuels, 2021, 35: 4212−4223

23.  Yong Shu, Shu-Xun Sang* , Yu-Xiang Lin, Xiao-Zhi Zhou, He Wang, Zi-Liang Wang, The influence of magmatic-hydrothermal activities on porosity and permeability of sandstone reservoirs in the Linxing area, Ordos Basin, Northern China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2021, 213: 104741

24.  Kun Zhang, Shuxun Sang*, Xiaozhi Zhou, Changjiang Liu, Mengya Ma, Qinghe Niu, Influence of supercritical CO2-H2O-caprock interactions on the sealing capability of deep coal seam caprocks related to CO2 geological storage: A case study of the silty mudstone caprock of coal seam no. 3 in the Qinshui Basin, China. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2021, 106: 103282

25.  Shiqi Liu, Huihuang Fang, Shuxun Sang*, Tripathy Ashutosh, Jianguang Wu, Shouren Zhang, Bing Zhang. CO2 injectability and CH4 recovery of the engineering test in Qinshui Basin, China based on numerical simulation. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2020, 95: 102980.

26. Shiqi Liu, Shuxun Sang*, Qiujia Hu, Huihuang Fang, Characteristics of high‑rank coal structure parallel and perpendicular to the bedding plane via NMR and X‑ray CT. Petroleum Science, 2020, 17: 925-938.

27.  Huihuang Fang, Shuxun Sang*, Shiqi Liu, Three‑dimensional spatial structure of the macro‑pores and flow simulation in anthracite coal based on X‑ray μ‑CT scanning data. Petroleum Science, 2020, 17: 1221-1236.

28.  Qinghe Nie, Liwen Cao*, Shuxun Sang*, Xiaozhi Zhou, Wei Wang, Wei Yuan, Zhongmin Ji, Haichao Wang, Yan Nie, Study on the anisotropic permeability in different rank coals under influences of supercritical CO2 adsorption and effective stress and its enlightenment for CO2 enhance coalbed methane recovery. Fuel, 2020, 262: ID116515.

29.  Hongjie Xu*, Zezhong Fang, Shuxun Sang*, Huihu Liu, Hai Ding, Xinzhao Dou, Qinjie Liu, Analysis of the shaer failure of surface methane capture boreholes for improving the drainage period efficiency:A lithological perspective. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2020, 38(1): 92-110.

30.  Yong Shu, Shuxun Sang*, Yuxiang Lin, Huiming Zheng, Natural Gas Accumulation Characteristics in the Linxing Area, Ordos Basin, NW China: Revealed from the Integrated Study of Fluid Inclusions and Basin Modeling. Geofluids, 2020, ID 8695497.

31.  Yi Du, Changqing Fu*, Zhejun Pan, Shuxun Sang*, Wenfeng Wang, Shiqi Liu, Yongchun Zhao, Junying Zhang*, Geochemistry effects of supercritical CO2 and H2O on the mesopore and macropore structures of high-rank coal from the Qinshui Basin, China. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2020, 223, 103467.

32.  Shiqi Liu, Shuxun Sang*, Jingsheng Ma, Tian Wang, Yi Du, Huihuang Fang, Effects of supercritical CO2 on micropores in bituminous and anthracite coal. Fuel, 2019, 242: 96-108.

33.  Huihuang Fang, Shuxun Sang *, Shiqi Liu, Shupei Liu, Experimental simulation of replacing and displacing CH4 by injecting supercritical CO2 and its geological significance. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2019, 81: 115-125.

34.  Kun Zhang, Shuxun Sang*, Changjiang Liu, Mengya Ma, Xiaozhi Zhou, Experimental study the influences of geochemical reaction on coal structure during the CO2 geological storage in deep coal seam. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 178: 1006-1017.

35.  Sijie Han, Shuxun Sang*, Jingjing Liang,Jinchao Zhang,Supercritical CO2 adsorption in a simulated deep coal reservoir environment, implications for geological storage of CO2 in deep coals in the southern Qinshui Basin, China. Energy Science & Engineering, 2019, 7(2): 488-503.

36.  Huihuang Fang, Shuxun Sang*, Shiqi Liu, Establishment of dynamic permeability model of coal reservoir and its numerical simulation during the CO2-ECBM process. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 179: 885-898.

37.  Sijie Han, Shuxun Sang*, Jingjing Liang, Wenfeng Wang, Guanlong Zhang, Shengzhu Wang. Geochemistry, Petrology, and U-Pb dating of high-K volcanic rocks in wells WC-1 and Y-2 from the northern Junggar Basin, northwestern China: Implications for the closure of the Keramaili oceanic basin during the Carboniferous, Geological Journal, 2019, 54(6): 3921-3939

38.  Huihuang Fang, Shuxun Sang*, Shiqi Liu, Coupling mechanism of the thermal-hydraulic-mechanical fields in CH4-bearing coal and its application of CO2-enhanced coalbed methane recovery. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 181: 106177.

39.  Huihuang Fang, Shuxun Sang*, Shiqi Liu, Numerical simulation of enhancing coalbed methane recovery by injecting CO2 with heat injection. Petroleum Science, 2019, 16(1): 32-43.

40.  Hongjie Xu, Shuxun Sang*, Jingfen Yang, Jun Jin, Huihu Liu, Xiaozhi Zhou, Wei Gao, Evaluation of coal and shale reservoir in Permian coal-bearing strata for development potential: A case study from Well LC-1# in the northern Guizhou, China. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2019, 37(1): 194-218.

41.  Yi Du, Shuxun Sang*, Zhejun Pan, Wenfeng Wang, Shiqi Liu, Changqing Fu, Yongchun Zhao, Junying Zhang, Experimental study of supercritical CO2-H2O-coal interactions and the effect on coal permeability. Fuel, 2019, 253: 369-382

42.  Huihuang Fang, Shuxun Sang*, Shiqi Liu, Yi Du, Methodology of three-dimensional visualization and quantitative characterization of nanopores in coal by using FIB-SEM and its application with anthracite in Qinshui basin. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 182: 106283.

43.  Hongjie Xu, Zezhong Fang, Shuxun Sang*, Huihu Liu, Hai Ding,Xinzhao Dou, Liu Qinjie, Analysis of the shear failure of surface methane capture boreholes for improving the drainage period efficiency: A lithological perspective. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2019, DOI: 10.1177/0144598719884671.

44.  Huihu Liu, Shuxun Sang*, Shimin Liu, Haiyan Wu, Tianhe Lan, Hongjie Xu, Bo Ren, Supercritical-CO2 Adsorption Quantification and Modeling for a Deep Coalbed Methane Reservoir in the Southern Qinshui Basin, China. ACS OMEGA, 2019, 4(7): 11685-11700.

45.  Sijie Han, Shuxun Sang*, Jinging Liang, Wenfeng Wang, Guanlong Zhang, Shengzhu Wang, Characteristics and genesis of diachronous Carboniferous volcano-sedimentary sequences: insights from geochemistry, petrology and U-Pb dating in the North Junggar basin, China. International Geology Review, 2019, 61(4): 404-423.

46.  Sijie Han, Shuxun Sang*, Peiming Zhou, Jingjing Liang, Geological characteristics of the Carboniferous-Permian coal-measures superimposed reservoir and its favourable zones in the Jiyang Sub-basin. Himalayan Geology, 2019, 40(1): 1-15

47.  Shiqi Liu, Jingsheng Ma, Shuxun Sang*, Tian Wang, Yi Du, Huihuang Fang, The effects of supercritical CO2 on mesopore and macropore structure in bituminous and anthracite coal. Fuel, 2018, 223: 32-43.

48.  Shiqi Liu, Shuxun Sang*, Tian Wang, Yi Du, Jinlong Jia, Huihuang Fang, The effects of CO2 on organic groups in bituminous coal and high-rank coal via Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2018, 36(6): 1566-1592.

49.  Jinlong Jia, Shuxun Sang*, Liwen Cao, Shiqi Liu, Characteristics of CO2/supercritical CO2 adsorption-induced swelling to anthracite: An experimental study. Fuel, 2018, 216: 638-647.

50.  Yi Du, Shuxun Sang*, Wenfeng Wang, Shiqi Liu, Tian Wang, Dissolution of illite in supercritical CO2-saturated water: Implications for clayey caprock stability in CO2 geological storage. Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 2018, 51(1): 116-122.

51.  Yi Du, Shuxun Sang*, Wenfeng Wang,S hiqi Liu, Tian Wang,Huihuang Fang,Experimental study of the reactions of supercritical CO2 and minerals in high-rank coal under formation conditions. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32(2): 1115-1125.

52.  Qinghe Niu, Liwen Cao*, Shuxun Sang*, Xiaozhi Zhou, Zhenzhi Wang, Anisotropic adsorption swelling and permeability characteristics with injecting CO2 in coal. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32(2): 1979-1991.

53.  Huihuang Fang, Shuxun Sang*, Jilin Wang, Wei Ju, Pore characteristics and its significance on shale gas reservoir: a case study of the Longmaxi shale in the Nanchuan region, Chongqing, South China. International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 2018, 18(3/4): 512-536.

54.  Huihu Liu, Shuxun Sang*, Junhua Xue, Tianhe Lan, Hongjie Xu, Bo Ren, Shiqi Liu, Evolution and geochemical characteristics of gas phase fluid and its response to inter-well interference during multi-well drainage of coalbed methane, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018, 162: 491-501.

55.  Huihu Liu, Shuxun Sang*, Junhua Xue, Tianhe Lan, Hongje Xu, Bo Ren, Qiao Cheng, Experimental study on the velocity sensitivity of coal reservoir during coalbed drainage in southern Qinshui Basin. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2018, 36(6): 1593-1608.

56.  Huihuang Fang, Shuxun Sang*, Jilin Wang, Shiqi Liu, Wei Ju, Simulation of paleotectonic stress fields and distribution prediction of tectonic fractures at the Hudi coal mine, Qinshui basin. ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA (English Edition), 2017, 91(6): 2007-2023.

57.  Qinghe Niu, Liwen Cao*Shuxun Sang*, Xiaozhi Zhou, Zhenzhi Wang, Zhiyong Wu, The adsorption-swelling and permeability characteristics of natural and reconstituted anthracite coals. Energy, 2017, 141: 2206-2217.

58.  Shiqi Liu, Shuxun Sang*, Geoff Wang, Jingsheng Ma, Xin Wang, Wenfeng Wang, Yi Du, Tian Wang, FIB-SEM and X-ray CT characterization of interconnected pores in high-rank coal formed from regional metamorphism. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017, 148: 21-31.

59.  Jinlong Jia, Shuxun Sang*, Liwen Cao, Sijie Han, Shiqi Liu, Xiaozhi Zhou, Characteristics of the superposed gas reservoirs of coal-bearing series and its pool-forming dynamic mechanism in Jiyang depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China. Himalayan Geology, 2017, 38(2): 141-155.

60.  Sijie Han, Shuxun Sang*, Peiming Zhou, Jingjing Liang, The evolutionary history of methane adsorption capacity with reference to deep Carboniferous-Permian coal seams in the Jiyang Sub-basin: Combined implementation of basin modeling and adsorption isotherm experiments. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017, 158: 634-646

61.  Huihu Liu, Shuxun Sang*, Junhua Xue, Guoxiong Wang,Hongje Xu, Bo Ren, Changjiang Liu, Shiqi Liu, Characteristics of an in situ stress field and its control on coal fractures and permeability in the Gucheng block, southern Qinshui Basin, China. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 36: 1130-1139.

62.  Shiqi Liu, Shuxun Sang*, Zhejun Pan,Zhonglan Tian,Henglin Yang,Qiujia Hu,Guangjie Sang,Maopo Qiao,Huihu Liu,Jinlong Jia,Study of characteristics and formation stages of macroscopic natural fractures in coal seam #3 for CBM development in the east Qinnan block, Southern Quishui Basin, China. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 34: 1321-1332.

63.  Xianzheng Zhao, Shiqi Liu*Shuxun Sang*, Zhejun Pan, Wenxiu Zhao, Yanhui Yang, Qiujia Hu, Yanlei Yang, Characteristics and generation mechanisms of coal fines in coalbed methane wells in the southern Qinshui Basin, China. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 34: 849-863.

64.  Tian Wang, Shuxun Sang*, Shiqi Liu, Yi Du, Occurrence and genesis of minerals and their influences on pores and fractures in the high-rank coals. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2016, 34(6): 899-914.

65.  Hongjie Xu, Shuxun Sang*, Jingfen Yang,Jun Jin,Youbiao Hu,Huihu Liu,Jianshuo Li,Xiaozhi Zhou,Bo Ren,Selection of suitable engineering modes for CBM development in zones with multiple coalbeds: A case study in western Guizhou Province, Southwest China, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 36: 1264-1275.

66.  Shiqi Liu, Shuxun Sang*, Qipeng Zhu,Jiefang Zhang,Hefeng Gao,Huihu Liu,Lixing Lin,Triple medium physical model of post fracturing high-rank coal reservoir in Southern Qinshui Basin. Journal of Earth Sciences, 2015, 26(3): 407-415.

67.  Shiqi Liu, Shuxun Sang*, Huihu Liu,Qipeng Zhu,Growth characteristics and genetic types of pores and fractures in a high-rank coal reservoir of the southern Qinshui basin. Ore Geology Reviews, 2015, 64: 140-151.

68.  Shiqi Liu, Shuxun Sang*, Qipeng Zhu, Jiefang Zhang, Hefeng Gao, Huihu Liu, Lixing Lin. Triple medium physical model of post fracturing high-rank coal reservoir in Southern Qinshui Basin. Journal of Earth Science, 2015, 26(03): 140-151.

69.  S.J.HAN, X.S.SANG*, W.F.WANG, Z.F.LI, W.LIU, K.H.ZHANG, G.L.ZHANG. Geochemical characteristics and tectonic setting of Lower Carboniferous volcanic rocks from Wunan-Ludong area, Junggar basin, China. Himalayan Geology, 2015, 36(2):118-125.

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1.    2021.6,山西省科技进步奖,《煤层气排采关键参数监测方法创新及水平井无杆排采工艺规模化应用》,山西省人民政府,二等奖,2020-J-2-026,中国石油天然气股份有限公司山西煤层气勘探开发分公司,中国石油天然气股份有限公司华北油田分公司,中国矿业大学,中国石油大学(华东),新乡市夏烽电器有限公司,胡秋嘉,李梦溪,桑树勋,毛崇昊,张先敏,刘世奇,贾慧敏,樊彬,张庆,覃蒙扶

2.    2003.1,教育部自然科学奖,《高煤级煤物质结构演化及其地球化学机理》,教育部,一等奖,2002-023,中国矿业大学,中国石油大学(北京),秦勇,姜波,桑树勋,朱炎铭,范炳恒,傅雪海,宋党育,钟宁宁,张有生,韦重韬,金法礼,杨永国,李壮福,张井,李贵中


1.    Shuxun Sang; Shiqi Liu; Liwen Cao; Xiaozhi Zhou; Haiwen Wang; Huihu Liu; Zicheng Li; Huazhou Huang; Changjiang Liu; Hongjie Xu; Ran Wang; Jinlong Jia; Shuyun Zhu; Method of extracting gas from tectonically-deformed coal seam insitu by depressurizing horizontal well cavity, 2020-11-10, U.S.A., US10830018 (B1).

2.    Shuxun Sang; Shiqi Liu; Liwen Cao; Xiaozhi Zhou; Haiwen Wang; Huihu Liu; Zicheng Li; Huazhou Huang; Changjiang Liu; Hongjie Xu; Ran Wang; Jinlong Jia; Shuyun Zhu; System for extracting gas from tectonically-deformed coal seam insitu by depressurizing horizontal well cavity, 2021-03-02, U.S.A., US10934817 (B2).

3.    Shuxun Sang; Xiaozhi Zhou; Liwen Cao; Shiqi Liu; Haiwen Wang; Huihu Liu; Zicheng Li; Jinlong Jia; Huazhou Huang; Changjiang Liu; Hongjie Xu; Ran Wang; Shuyun Zhu. Simulation test method for gas extraction from tectonically-deformed coal seam in-situ by depressurizing horizontal well cavity, 2021-04-04, U.S.A., US10995572 (B2).

4.    Shuxun Sang; Haiwen Wang; Xiaozhi Zhou; Liwen Cao; Shiqi Liu; Huihu Liu; Zicheng Li; Jinlong Jia; Huazhou Huang; Changjiang Liu; Hongjie Xu; Ran Wang; Shuyun Zhu. Simulation test system for gas extraction from tectonically-deformed coal seam in-situ by depressurizing horizontal well cavity, 2021-06-15, U.S.A., US11035228 (B2).

5.    Shuxun Sang; Shiqi Liu; Liwen Cao; Xiaozhi Zhou; Haiwen Wang; Huihu Liu; Zicheng Li; Huazhou Huang; Changjiang Liu; Hongjie Xu; Ran Wang; Jinlong Jia; Shuyun Zhu. Method of extracting gas from tectonically-deformed coal seam insitu by depressurizing horizontal well cavity, 2021-04-07, Australia, 2018421310.

6.    Shuxun Sang; Shiqi Liu; Liwen Cao; Xiaozhi Zhou; Haiwen Wang; Huihu Liu; Zicheng Li; Huazhou Huang; Changjiang Liu; Hongjie Xu; Ran Wang; Jinlong Jia; Shuyun Zhu. System for extracting gas from tectonically-deformed coal seam insitu by depressurizing horizontal well cavity, 2021-04-07, Australia, 2018421311.

7.    Shuxun Sang; Haiwen Wang; Xiaozhi Zhou; Liwen Cao; Shiqi Liu; Huihu Liu; Zicheng Li; Jinlong Jia; Huazhou Huang; Changjiang Liu; Hongjie Xu; Ran Wang; Shuyun Zhu. Simulation test system for gas extraction from tectonically-deformed coal seam in-situ by depressurizing horizontal well cavity, 2021-04-01, Australia, 2018420473.

8.    Shuxun Sang; Xiaozhi Zhou; Liwen Cao; Shiqi Liu; Haiwen Wang; Huihu Liu; Zicheng Li; Jinlong Jia; Huazhou Huang; Changjiang Liu; Hongjie Xu; Ran Wang; Shuyun Zhu. Simulation test method for gas extraction from tectonically-deformed coal seam in-situ by depressurizing horizontal well cavity, 2021-03-19, Australia, 2018420472.

9.    桑树勋,刘世奇,曹丽文,周效志,王海文,刘会虎,李自成,黄华州,刘长江,徐宏杰,王冉,贾金龙,朱术云. 2020.08.04,一种构造煤原位煤层气水平井洞穴卸压开采方法中国发明专利:ZL 201810404470.2

10.  桑树勋,刘世奇,曹丽文,周效志,王海文,刘会虎,李自成,黄华州,刘长江,徐宏杰,王冉,贾金龙,朱术云. 2019.12.18, 一种构造煤原位煤层气水平井洞穴卸压开采系统中国发明专利:ZL 201810404478.9

11.  桑树勋,曹丽文,郭玉良,郝江涛,蔡念,丁远大,原俊红. 2019.07.02一种构造煤大口径成井双向往复式钻进三级扩孔钻具及钻孔方法中国发明专利:ZL 2006 11332283.X

12.  桑树勋,刘世奇,刘长江,赵刚强,贾金龙,王文峰,曹丽文,刘会虎,徐宏杰,周效志,黄华州,王冉. 2017.05.24,一种超临界CO2注入与煤层气强化驱替模拟试验装置中国发明专利,ZL 201510131256.0

13.  桑树勋,刘世奇,刘长江,赵刚强,贾金龙,王文峰,曹丽文,刘会虎,徐宏杰,周效志,黄华州,王冉.2017.01.04,一种CO2注入与煤层气强化开采地球化学效应模拟试验装置中国发明专利,ZL 201510036505.8

14.  桑树勋,刘世奇,贾金龙,赵刚强,王文峰,曹丽文,刘会虎,徐宏杰,刘长江,周效志,黄华州,王冉. 2016.08.31,一种超临界CO2注入与煤层气强化驱替模拟试验方法中国发明专利,ZL 201510130087.9

15.  桑树勋,刘世奇,刘长江,赵刚强,贾金龙,王文峰,曹丽文,刘会虎,徐宏杰,周效志,黄华州,王冉一种CO2注入与煤层气强化开采地球化学效应模拟试验方法. 2016.06.08中国发明专利,ZL 2015 1 0036895.9

16.  桑树勋,曹丽文,周效志,程云环,刘长江,黄华州. 2009.03.11垃圾填埋气液收集疏排装置及其施工工艺中国发明专利:ZL 200610166464.5

17.  桑树勋,周效志,曹丽文,程云环,张时音,刘会虎. 2009.08.12垃圾填埋场生物气与渗滤液一体化抽排系统中国发明专利:ZL 200610166465.X

18.  桑树勋,曹丽文,程云环,张静,周效志. 2009.09.02城市生活垃圾地质填埋模拟实验方法及装置中国发明专利:ZL 200610040497.5

19.  桑树勋,黄华州,曹丽文,周效志,徐宏杰,刘会虎. 2011.08.31煤的轴向加卸载气体渗透率测试装置中国发明专利:ZL 201010142331.0



1.  指导博士后12

2.  指导博士研究生40

3.  指导硕士研究生87

4.  讲授本科生课程12




2021.01-今 《中国煤炭地质》编委会,委员

2019.01-今 《煤田地质与勘探》编委会,委员

2019.01-今 《煤炭科学技术》编委会,委员

2018.01-今 《沉积学报》编委会,委员

2022.01-  中国环境科学学会,理事

2022.09-  中国煤炭学会碳中和科学与工程专业委员会副主任兼秘书长

2023.01-  中国石油学会非常规油气专业委员会委员

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2018.01-  中国地质学会沉积专业委员会,委员

2021.06-  中国地质学会煤炭绿色勘查开发专业委员会,委员

2021.01-  中国煤炭工业技术委员会碳中和与资源综合利用专家委员会,委员

2019.01-今  全国煤炭标准化技术委员会煤岩分会,副主任

2018.01-今  江苏省低碳技术学会,副理事长兼CCUS专业委员会主任委员


2022.01-  江苏省温室气体减排与资源化利用重点实验室主任

2022.01-  中国矿业大学碳中和研究院院长

2020.08-2021.12  中国矿业大学低碳能源研究院院长

2016.10-2020.07  中国矿业大学国际学院院长

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2004.02-2005.11  中国矿业大学资源与地球科学学院院长助理



1.  江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程首批中青年科学技术带头人,江苏省,2007

2.  江苏省青蓝工程高校中青年学术带头人,江苏省教育厅,2006

3.  教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划入选者,教育部,2005